- Weight
- 270g
- Price
- 8,00 Euro
- Weight
- 100ml
- Price
- 4,00 Euro
Welcome to my urban beekeeping project: My passion for bees and their delicious honey developed on my apiaries located on unused roofs of selected buildings in Berlin. Since then, and probably even before, I have been interested in the relationship between humans and nature. Beekeeping has provided me with many answers and even more questions. The dialogue with the bee colonies enriches my life and acts as an inexhaustible source. Encountering the superorganism is about being very close, feeling right in the middle of it, and at the same time galaxies away. I am fascinated by the relationship between beekeeper and hive, because both beings are incomprehensible to each other, but closely related. There are many unexplored and unexpected moments that are mysterious. They nourish my soul with simple joy as I discover and explore them.
I started Stadtbienenhonig (city bee honey) in 2007 on the roofs of Berlin. Since 2021 Stadtbienenhonig continues in Rome, on a smaller scale.
Giving the bee colonies under my care the space they need to develop themselves, to develop into their wildness, is the priority principles of my beekeeping technique. The care shall be primarily supportive. I want them to develop out of themselves, to build up a folk/hive knowledge, to stay with me over many years and, in the best case, to keep rejuvenating themselves - all with the least direct encounter. They live in a place that provides them the abundance of flower nectar, pollen and water they need, while guaranteeing their protection from enemies. The honey I harvest is only a surplus. I always take only a small part of it, only honey that ripens in the specially created cells. This is a game with singularities.
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The interweaving of the bees' flight lines, which takes place in the high air, reflects in a certain way an interweaving of social contacts that arise in urban space. There are overlaps and interfaces. The advantage in urban space is that of a diversity of people. The intersection of people with good taste is high, as is the growing interest in locally produced food, which brings more and more people together and fosters new communities. A direct connection between producer and consumer allows not only the sharing of a high quality product, but also the sharing of the stories that go into its production. The stories will connect us to the natural.
Beekeeping today is facing great challenges. It is about developing a contemporary approach to beekeeping that focuses on the health of the bee colonies, activates their self-healing power and recognises the local honey yield as a luxurious natural product. Honey not only reflects the diversity of the landscape but it is also a carrier of moods. This is why every honey harvest has its own taste and no two years are the same.
We are the bees of the invisible. We passionately bring in the honey of the visible in order to accumulate it in the great golden hive of the invisibile. Rainer Maria Rilke
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Coming soon
- Listening to the Bees. In dialogue with Aljaz Skrlep for the Magazine Robida 10. Correspondences.
- Mediterranean Plants for Bees: 1. The Loquat and its autumn flowers. Contribution to the Journal of the Mediterranean Garden Society. Nr. 116
- Restoring Land as Planetary Community Practices. Dialogue with Meike Schalk, Constantin Petcou and Doina Petrescu for the Lungomare Reader: AS IF - 16 Dialouges about Sheep, Black Holes and Movement. Spector Books
- The buzzing spirit. Interview and Let the bees tell us. Lessons of the hive. Two contributions for the magazine. Invited editor Jorge Godoy Román for Nr. 21 Beyond the Garden, Urban Agriculture in Berlin. Materia Arquitectura, Universidad San Sebastian, Chile.
- Bee lessons - Reactivating old memory and reading wax-combs. Writings for Laura White/Tenderfoot
- L'apis: Volti al femminile - Il cielo sopra Berlino
- Paper News #13. Rezension: Ein Dauergartenvertrag für Berlin. Zum Bericht des Untersuchungsausschusses Gemeingut Grün. (S.7)
- Die Stadtbienen-wie ich Imkerin wurde und mein Leben zu summen begann
- Himmel und Erde. Künstlerische Feldarbeit unter Obstbäumen. Kreuzberger Salon
- 111 Berliner, die man kennen sollte
- Erika Mayr. Over Berlin's rooftops. Fotographic story with text in Bee Project - a publication about bees by Publications for Pleasure. Barcelona (2016)
- Erika Mayr- macht Bienen glücklich in Berlin
- Bienenlehrpfad in Laufen, Schweiz. Tafel 14
- Erika Mayr-Die Stadtbienen-eine Großstadtimkerin erzählt
- Holcim Award 2008
- Bees in mind. Lecture for Students at Studio Silva Systems at DEA Eindhoven
- Joining the PlanetGardenersSchool at TERRRA Brezoi with a presentation. Bee lessons. Reactivating memory and reading wax-combs. Organised by Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée (AAA) Paris
- Lecture: On care beyond the human for Verso un'idea di Cura. Programme organised by Rome Prize Fellow Ane Rodriguez Armendariz at the Spanish Academy Rome
- Bees. An introduction. Presentation at Esthia, Trastevere. Talk-Serie Aperitivo Sociale organized by Flaminia and myself.
- Honey tasting at Bookshop Leporello for the Book tour of the Lungomare Reader: AS IF, Spector Books
- Magazine Launch. Beyond the Garden. Materia Arquitectura Nr. 21. My talk: Secrets of honey and Stories of Rome
- Auf den ersten Blick unordentlich - Erfahrungsbericht einer planetarischen Gärtnerin
- Blumenwiesen und Blattgemüse. Rom-Dresden. 2050. Online lecture mit Benedikt Hipp
- Atelier Lascia Vivere. Ausstellung in der Galerie der Villa Massimo
- Studiogast bei Markus Lanz. Talkshow.
- Vortrag. 5. Internationale Ökoimkereikonferenz. Uni Hohenheim.
- Vortrag Imkerkurs/Melimalum in Ahrensboek bei Schwerin.
- Berliner Imkergespräche. Was ist in der Imkerei wichtig?
- Lecture @ BIO BERLIN. Summerschool
- 1. Internationales Bienenrennen. by Künstlergruppe finger aus Frankfurt.
- Kuratorin Honigwerkstatt. Stadt Land Food Festival der Markthalle Neun
- Stadthonigfest im Prinzessinnengarten. lokaler Honigmarkt für Stadtimker.
- Extensive Imkerei - wie geht das wirklich? Praxisworkshop mit Günter Friedmann
- Erfolgreich imkern im Angepassten Brutraum mit Imkermeister Jürgen Binder
- Mit den Sinnen einer Stadtbiene. Exkursion der Umweltakademie. by Nico Döring
- Stadthonigfest im Prinzessinnengarten. (Producer & CEO 2011 - 2018)
- Vortrag. Metropole 1000 Königinnen. Die Biene hilft dem Ruhrgebiet.
- Abschlußrunde Bienenbewegung. Strategien und Visionen.
- Bienenbewegung. Künstlerisches Projekt im Stadtraum.
- DW Historias Latinas, una apicultora urbana
- Von Bienen und Blumen. Film von Lola Randl (2018)
- Helden des Alltags. Die Weltverbesserer.
- Studio Gast bei Markus Lanz
- Vorbilder: Stadtimkerin. Interview mit Viertel Vor
- Erika Mayr beim Tigerentenclub, Kindersendung
- Erika Mayr - the bee whisperer at EXPO Milano, German Pavilion
- Studiogast NRD Talkshow
- Klassikradio, Weltbienentag
- Redseligkeit, Folge 1 Stadtblütenhonig und Bienensterben mit Erika Mayr
- Geschmackssache. Podcast Folge 2 Honig by Jörn Gutowski. TRYFOODS. Berlin
- Schlafende Tiere, Folge 8, Bienen, recorded by Rosie Koch (only Trailer available)
- Datscharadio. A garden in the air. Von Gabi Schaffner, Stadtbienen
- Portrait of a beekeeper. Final exam in photography for RUFA - Rome University of Fine Arts by Sara Petrillo
- Bitterorangen und Zitronen aus dem Gartenpark Villa Massimo. Einkochaktion mit Liza Diekwisch
- L'olio e il miele di città, gli auguri dell'Accademia Tedesca Roma
- Le api a Villa Massimo uno show della natura
- Großstadtbienen leben besser. by Helen Hecker for 'Deine Korrespondentin'.
- Volti al femminile: Il cielo sopra Berlino. by Barbara Leida for the Beekeeping Magazin: L'apis.
- Api sentinelli. Die Wächterbienen von Rom. Menschen&Macher in bienen&natur. 05/2019
- Internationales Wett-Fliegen. Bienenwettrennen in Frankfurt. by Künstlergruppe finger
- Monatsbetrachtungen 01-12/2017 in bienen&natur. 04 Begegnung mit dem Bienenvolk
- Monatsbetrachtungen 01-12/2017 in bienen&natur. 01 Willkommen in meiner kleinen Stadtimkerei!